Metatime 0: Time is created by God for the universe to be created in. The Universe is begins, exists and ends, all without sin.
Metatime 0.0001: Timelessly, Lucifer rebels against God and the Great War begins.
Metatimes 0.0001 to 0.9999: The Great War rages.
Metatime 1: The Great War ends. The Treaty between Heaven and Hell is made binding upon reality. The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Magickal time travel is discovered.
Metatimes 1.0001 to 1.9999: The Time War between Atlantis and Mu is waged. During most of this metatime, the future is either an Atlantean victory, a Muan victory, or an endless Dark Age with no real civilization.
Metatime 2: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears, grows up and learns to time travel.
Are we missing any time travel here?
Metatime 2.0001 to 2.9999: Hugh travels through time, causing some alterations to the timeline, most, through not all, of which he later reverted.
Metatime 2.9999: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears and grows up did he travel in metatime to appear?. World War II occurs Does it occur as current history relates it?. Albert Einstein invents his Einstein Gate and uses it.
Metatime 3: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears and grows up. Hitler is killed by Albert Einstein before he can rise to power.
Metatime 3.0001 to 3.9999: Extended World War II
Metatime 3.9990: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears and grows up. World War II occurs. Hitler and the SS Zeitkommando operatives are killed in 1948.
Metatime 3.9991 to 3.9999: ???(pronounced duh-duh-DUHN)
Metatime 4: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears and grows up. Hitler is bitten by a werewolf in France in World War I. World War II occurs. Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in the face of the Russian advance. Modern history unfolds mostly as recorded. The Agency is founded and continues to operate well into the 2020s, when it is absorbed by the Illuminati. MJ-12 is removed from power in America and the Military Intelligence Bureau is replaced with Occult Force Elite, who later become Chrono Force Elite. Francis Smith is killed in 2009 by the Cabal of Mu. The Theta Factions form and begin to take over the world. The Temporal Nexus is created.
Metatime 4.0001 onwards: The Theta Wars
Metatime 4.9998: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears and grows up. Hitler is bitten by a werewolf in France in World War I. World War II occurs. Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in the face of the Russian advance. Modern history unfolds mostly as recorded. The Agency is founded and continues to operate well into the 2020s, when it is absorbed by the Illuminati. Francis Smith is killed in 2009 by the Cabal of Mu. The Theta Factions form and begin to take over the world. The Temporal Nexus is created. Kaori Tamakeri travels back to 2009.
Metatime 4.9999: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears and grows up. Hitler is bitten by a werewolf in France in World War I. World War II occurs. Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in the face of the Russian advance. Modern history unfolds mostly as recorded. The Agency is founded. Kaori Tamakeri saves Frank Smith's life. Frank Smith betrays the Agency to the Order of Dracula. Dracula is ressurected. Kaori Tamakeri vanishes into the future. Dracula takes over the world.
Metatime 5: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the [gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears and grows up. Hitler is bitten by a werewolf in France in World War I. World War II occurs. Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in the face of the Russian advance. Modern history unfolds mostly as recorded. The Agency is founded. Kaori Tamakeri saves Frank Smith's life. Frank Smith betrays the Agency to the Order of Dracula. Dracula is ressurected. Omega Team and Psi Team kill Dracula permanently with the Shard of Yggdrassil. Dracula's death awakens Shakath, whom they also dispatch. They attempt to free Julian Adler from Hell, inadvertently freeing Lucifer to possess The President of the United States, causing the Nuclear War. The ressurected Julian Adler brokers peace between the Illuminati and MJ-12 and this alliance, along with Adler and his allies, successfully banish Lucifer. In the aftermath, the Illuminati-MJ-12 alliance takes over the world, leading to the world of 2059. A group of rebels destroy the Illuminati leadership and in retaliation the starship Conquest wipes out all life on Earth. The rebels seize the Conquest and travel to 2009.
Metatime 5.0001: The Universe begins, human evolve and commit sin, they learn magick and the civilization of Atlantis arises. The Cult of the Great Olds Ones is exiled from Atlantis and found Mu. War is waged between Atlantis and Mu. Through meddling with magick they don't understand, Atlantis and Mu destroy themselves in 10,000 BC. Humanity is enslaved by the gods and then overthrows them. History unfolds mostly as recorded. Hugh Charlesworthy appears and grows up. Hitler is bitten by a werewolf in France in World War I. World War II occurs. Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in the face of the Russian advance. Modern history unfolds mostly as recorded. The Agency is founded. The Conquest appears in high Earth orbit. The travelers from 2059 inform Omega Team of Frank Smith's attempts to betray the Agency and Omega Team subdues him and takes him into custody. The Conquest terraforms Mars and departs for Alpha Centuri. The Agency, now aware of the existence of time travel, begins to seek means to travel through time.